Pollo Campero Special Offers

This section contains our special offers. Click on any offer for details.

Get more flavor with the Campero box includes sandwich (classic or spicy), 4 campero nuggets with dipping sauce, french fries, regular drinkGet more flavor with the Campero box includes sandwich (classic or spicy), 4 campero nuggets with dipping sauce, french fries, regular drink
22 pc fried chicken bundle with headline that reads 22 piece winter feast 22 pc fried chicken bundle with headline that reads 22 piece winter feast
3 pc meal with headline that reads Bundle up with 3 piece special 3 pc meal with headline that reads Bundle up with 3 piece special
Asset that reads Voted USAToday Top 10 BestAsset that reads Voted USAToday Top 10 Best
Family meals featured with sides and a headline that reads "flavorful meals to go" Family meals featured with sides and a headline that reads "flavorful meals to go"
Image of spicy chicken sandwich and classic chicken sandwich Image of spicy chicken sandwich and classic chicken sandwich
App download carousel that shows app download details on a mobile phone App download carousel that shows app download details on a mobile phone
Download the app and enjoy a $10 reward after joining campero rewards. Available at participating locationsDownload the app and enjoy a $10 reward after joining campero rewards. Available at participating locations
New Campero Gift Card. Click to buy.Partnering with St, Jude because we are #CamperoFamily. Click to learn more.MMMM, Rewards! Sign up for insider info. Click to learn more.We Cater Any Event, Any Size. Click to learn more.

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USA Today voted 10Best fast food fried chicken.
Pollo Campero voted Top 10 in the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Fast Food Fried Chicken
Here’s to 100 U.S. Campero Locations... and Many More to Come!
Image of Pollo Campero logo and St. Jude Children's Hospital logo.
Pollo Campero Team Members Support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at the Walk/Run Event
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